Tuesday, February 26, 2008


(Pastikan kamu sudah membaca artikel saya mengenai otaku cerdas sebelum membaca yang satu ini)

Para Froidholic, seberapa jauhkah impresi dan interpretasi kalian terhadap sebuah anime? Apa efeknya bagi kalian?

Jika kalian menganggap bahwa dengan bermain game MMO terus-menerus bisa membuat social skill kalian bertambah dan cewek cute & sexy pun akan keluar dari layar seperti pada AI Think So...

Maka saya sarankan kalian mengikuti operasi trepanasi otak seperti yang Susumu Nakoshi lakukan.

Dan jika kalian mulai berimajinasi bahwa suatu saat setiap idiot (yah, hanya pada awalnya) seperti Urashima Keitaro akan menemukan istana harem penuh wanita cantik seperti pada Love Hina...

Maka saya sarankan kalian meminta Ed untuk mentransmutasi bagian cerebral kalian.

Dan terlebih lagi, jika kalian masih menganggap saya bercanda dan kurang serius saat ini, maka bisa saya pastikan bahwa kalian terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu istirahat kalian untuk memprediksi berapa ukuran dada dari Tsunade.


Seperti yang kalian tahu, bahwa otaku – saya sengaja menghindari pemahaman yang terlalu dalam di sini, just look at Wikipedia if you want the deep shit – singkatnya adalah julukan bagi orang-orang seperti kita, yang suka dan gemar untuk menonton anime, membaca manga, dan sejenisnya. Parahnya, sudah bertahun-tahun kaum otaku ditandai dengan sebuah stigma seperti yang saya kemukakan di sini. Banyak orang mengira kita adalah orang-orang anti sosial dan kutu buku yang kurang waras. Dan yang membuat saya lebih prihatin, di Indonesia, kebanyakan otaku memang seperti yang di-stereotype-kan pada kita: kebanyakan nonton anime, lossy, kurang mandi, tidak terurus, dan tentunya...dijauhi cewek.

Di lain sisi, kita bangga akan status otaku kalian (saya juga bangga). Kalian ingin stigma itu dihilangkan. Kalian menggunakan argumentasi bahwa anime mengandung banyak budaya luhur dan budi pekerti. Namun, kalian membuktikannya dengan cara yang kelewat cerdas: setelah menonton anime dan membaca manga, terbit ide bahwa suasana romansa di kehidupan kalian akan berjalan penuh kebetulan seperti yang ada di beberapa anime picisan.


Pada akhirnya, keputusan selalu di tangan kalian. Mana jalan yang akan kalian pilih sebagai seorang otaku, apakah itu akan menambah panjang daftar buruk bagi kaum otaku, atau keluar dari jurang gelap itu dan mulai mendaki ke tempat yang lebih baik: pencapaian yang lebih sempurna dalam menjalani kehidupan otaku yang sesungguhnya.

Jika kalian cukup cerdas untuk memilih the second chance, maka sekarang bergembiralah, karena sesuai dari salah satu motto The Cold Hands "Really Manly", saya akan membuka section baru. Dan section baru ini akan mempunyai 2 keunikan.

Apakah kamu mau tahu apakah 2 keunikan itu?


Oke, anggukkan kepalamu jika kamu mau tahu.

Baiklah. Keunikan pertama adalah bahwa section ini akan saya tulis dengan gaya yang akan sangat erat dengan kehidupan para rekan otaku. Yang kedua, saya akan menulis di section ini DENGAN BAHASA INDONESIA. Banyak rekan-rekan saya di SEO Research yang menyayangkan hal ini. Tapi sekali lagi, seorang lelaki harus bergerak karena keinginannya sendiri. So, saya tidak peduli jika saya akan di-ban oleh google adsense. Saya menulis karena saya ingin. Saya tidak menulis untuk Google. Jadi, bersyukurlah karena itu, rekan-rekan otaku.

Dan apakah yang akan saya bahas di section ini? Tentunya, sesuatu yang esensial namun kuran gdiungkap secara mendetail dalam proses kehidupan kita yang katanya "cuma sekali" ini.

Yup. Romance.

Dan inilah penutup dari saya: bergembiralah dalam euforia, dan kunjungi section ini. Vini vidi vinci. Datang, lihat, dan jadilah pemenang. Seorang smart otaku - a platinum boy - bukan seekor sapi.


-Di Indonesia, Hantu Itu Bernama Sinetron (2)-

(Continued from this article)

I just wanna say about how serious this situation. Television program is one of soul’s foods. We can’t expect anything from a citizen who only sticking their eyes into program titles like Diva, Kasih, Jelita, Cahaya, Intan, Hidayah, Cinderella, or…oh Gosh, am I really have to write down all of those cheesy titles? Even one of my friend said that those titles always have SAME story but DIFFERENT actor/actress (LOL)

I remember that our President have been ever make project so we have our own commercial and great animation. And if I’m not mistaken – and the truth is I’m really NOT mistaken for sure – the only animation that we can make was that lame and weird “Gatotkaca” which aired when I was still in my child age.


This is supposed to be be a joke, Man!

Old phrase said that “if you want to make something good, just learn from the good example.” Now, compare that phrase with the condition in Indonesia. Now, the only anime that worth-to-be-watched is just Naruto which aired in Indosiar every Sunday. Okay, we should be proud that we’re the first nation in ASEAN who can air that fourth season of Naruto (and until now I’m still doubting, whether “fourth season” is the right word or not? <Indonesia: Memang ada ya “season keempat? Bukannya Naruto Cuma dibagi menjadi season pertama dan Shippuden? ^_^>). But for the amounts of aired new animes, we had beaten hard by our neighbor like Singapore or Malaysia. Ask for yourself, how many new animes aired in Indonesia in one year? The truth is, TV channel in Indonesia always repeats and repeats old-school animes and tokusatsu like Captain Tsubasa, Zoid, Ultaraman Gaia, etc. And the situation even becomes worse because the quality of seiyuu (dubber) in Indonesia is very awful. Many of them misspell name of the characters, make a wrong impression about the story, and we’ll still not count “the cut-outs” of scenes because the “lack of times” or “commercial breaks” reason. Now, can you imagine how our animators lack the nutrition for their inspirations?

So, just pray. Yes, two only things that we can do are just pray and work hard, so the “ghost” – the sinetron – shall not haunt us for more…


- Seven Habits of Smart Otaku -

Dear Froidholics,

I'm sure that most of you found this weblog because of these three keywords:

  • ...yeah...OTAKU!!!
Yeah, it's true. And ignoring your boredom, I'll say it once again: OTAKU. That's right. For the honest, otaku is the main content of this blog. But, the question is, what kind of otaku?

There is a stereotype in many countrys, not excepted in its origin (Japan), which claim an otaku is a nerd, disgusting, and an anti-social person. Although this stereotype started to reduced by many high-quality discussion about anime and manga, but it's a fact that the bad image is still sticking into the otakus.

And now, if you're asking about the truth about this stereotype, I'm afraid that I can only answer to you that it always depends on the situation. If I say the stereotype is wrong, in the reality sometimes it can be true. Many of my friends spend their precious day just to stick their eyes into animes without doing anything else. They always talk about anime, sing anime's OST every times, and imagines if they're the real heroes of the story. In the other side, many of my pals who suprisingly are "the real guru" of animes don't looks like they give big damns about it. They are, just like normal-and-healthy-teens, still enjoying soccer, billiard, hang-out, and the other "normal" things.

So, my dear Froidholics, back to the question, according to my research, I can give you two major kinds of otaku:

  1. Smart Otaku
  2. Not-Smart Otaku (in the other words, a lazy cow, LOL)
And because I'm sure that I am included in the first category, I can only give you the habits of Smart Otaku, for the second, just search it by yourself `_^. Okay, here I come...these are "7 Habits of Smart Otaku":

  1. They always realize that ANIME is ANIME and REALITY is REALITY
  2. They can manage their strong mind to understand the true-meaning (a.k.a deep shit ^_^) of the animes those they watch and can implement it in their life without consumed (what a jargon ^_^) by it. They also have great amounts of knowledge about anime without being too cocky.
  3. They are listening normal music, watching news, and playing with their friends. A smart otaku will not separate themselves from the real world
  4. A smart otaku, once again, is NOT an anti-social person. They're love humans, not the pixels in screen. They're calm and cool person, not a nerd with the busty beards (LOL)
  5. They are not affected by rusty-love-scenes or rusty-love-dreams in rusty-lossy-animes. Did I said that they are COOL and CALM person?
  6. They are healthy persons. They eat three times per day and do sports and workouts
  7. They're reading The Cold Hands (I'm sure you'll agree with me about this ^_^)
So, Froidholics, what otaku are you? The smart one...or the worst one? Well. the choice is always in your hands.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


- Ayo Tukaran Link! -

Dear My Froidholics,

If you wanna me to put your Blog's link in my cool blog, just do these simple way:

1) Put my Blog's Badge in your URL. Just copy the HTML code in the sidebar in my "Exchange Link" section and paste in your blog's HTML code

2)Write down your Blog's URL in the comments below

Easy, isn't it? Arigatou Gozaimasu!

Untuk pembaca Indonesia:

Para Froidholics,

Kalau kalian mau menaruh link di situs saya yang keren ini (narsis^_^)? Boleh, kok, lakukan aja beberapa langkah gampang ini:

1)Taruh logo blog saya di situsmu. Caranya, copy-paste saja saja code yang ada di text area di bagian "Exchange Link" di sidebar blog saya, dan taruh di situsmu (di elemen halamanmu)

2)Lalu, setelah selesai, tulis URL (alamat) situsmu di bagian comments di sini.

Selesai, dan saya akan segera me-linkback kamu!!! Gampang kan?
Arigatou Gozaimasu!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


- Kunjungi planet.inf.uajy.ac.id! -

I'm a little surprised that I don't know this great news from the beginning. As you can see, our beloved University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta has its own Blogger's Community! And you can find many cool stuffs and meet many sophisticated persons in its URL:


Ensure yourself to visit this Blog Planet that managed by Mas Alex Budianto. I swear that you'll not disappointed.
Okay, I'll finish my report now. This is Ky, over and out. Keep your blogging spirit!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


- Tampilan K-Lite Media Player Anda Bermasalah? -
K-Lite Media Player is, IMO, one of the best media player that I've ever see. Despite of its simple performance, this device/software works well in so many platforms and media file types. Unfortunately, if you opened certain avi files, the result will end like this:

As we can see, the screen becomes flicker and the colors was messed up. This situation is often to happened if you'll use a high VGA Card that supports DirectX 9.0/10.0. But, don't worry. To repair this problem, just go to menu view > option > output and select old renderer

Now, the problem has been repaired. Enjoy ehis free scene of FMP...^_^


- Alert Box pada The Cold Hands Telah Dilenyapkan -

Lately, I found out that my alert box was rather disturbing than cool. So, I remove that at this day. It is my mission and my-reason-to-blogging to make my readers satisfied with my blog. But, if you're want to know how to make an alert box in your site, you can read it here .

Sunday, February 17, 2008


- Membuat Alert Box -

Whenever you're opening this site, you'll find out that a message box appeared. To create this one for yourself, just put this code between body and title opening tag in your HTML code

Now, if someone wanna load your site, the message box will be appeared.


- Tampilan The Cold Hands Telah Dipercantik! -
Thanks to all my readers who always supports me, now thecoldhands dot blogspot dot com is updated to the better layout. It is, once again, all thanks to you. This is not the end, I"ll add many useful things so you always feel good whenever browse in my blog.
Always support me! Arigatou gozaimasu.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


- Selamat Hari Kamis, uh, Valentine, Maksudnya -
Yes. I really wanna give you "Happy Thursday" rather than usual-and-boring "Happy Valentine." What I mean is Valentine Day is special, but I'm a little disturbed with many crappy roses and flowers, and why those rusty guys intent to spend so much money as a gift to girls that turned them down without any mercy. However, that's not my right to tutoring you. You know, I also have a special-someone and because of that...
Ky Amadeo is giving you, his supportive readers, a...


May your lovelife fulfilled with warness and grace. And the most important thing is, don't forget your most important love to them who often to be forgotten-to-be-loved by you:
Your OWN mother.
Your OWN father.
Your OWN sister/brother.
Your OWN family.
Your OWN friends in your clique.
Your OWN pet.
Your OWN room.
Your OWN adventures.
Your OWN etc.
That's right. As soon as you appeared in your home or your tempat nongkrong, give them your real hug. I tell you, they are the ones who really right to receive your loves. And you'll see that your life will looked (and so it is) more beautiful.
Once again, Happy Valentine. For you. For me. For my special-someone.
For us.


- Uchiha Itachi Benar-benar Jahat! -

Warning: Spoiler alert!
Read it for your own risk

As seen in: Naruto ch 385-386

This is maybe a bad news for all "Itachi is not a bad guy"-believers. According to chapter 385-386, after Sasuke asked him "Why you killed our parents?", Itachi, the-braintwisted-big-brother, has shown his real greedy and fu*king bad motive:

Brother's Betrayal
Itachi wanna kill Sasuke to rip his eyes following what Madara has done. Like master like student

Now it's extremely obvious for us that Itachi wanna take Sasuke's sharingan to avoid the blindness (the cost if you use Sharingan from the time to time with large amount of chakras) and possess the ultimate Mangekyou Sharingan like Madara. I wonder what will happen in the next time? Well, let just sit and watch ^_^


- Apakah Jiraiya Benar-benar Tumbang? -

Warning: spoiler alert.
Read this for your own risk.

As seen in: Naruto ch 383

It's so sad, i tell you. After so many Naruto fans like this "erotic but wise" sannin very much, Kishimoto-sensei is going to make him drowning in the middle of battle:

Hmmm... IMO, he is not really die, but I'm afraid the "Dumbledore-Case" will be repeated. Anyway, it's up to Kishimoto-sensei whether he wanna make Jiraiya is really passed away or not.

But, if you're sure that Jiraiya is not really die, you can visit this forum:


Or if you're an Indonesian you can visit this link:


We'll pray for you, Bro. I wanna see he and that busty-grandma Tsunade get along. Fufufu.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


- Kushinai, Ibu dari Naruto -

Warning: spoiler alert.
Read this for your own risk.

As seen in: Naruto ch 382

I believe that most of you had known that fourth hokage, Namikaze Minato, is the father of Uzumaki Naruto.

Conversation Between Jiraiya and Minato

Yeah... we've got a lot of Minato and Minato again. Unfortunately, Naruto's mother, Uzumaki Kushinai, had never been seen before this chapter #382. Luckily, Masashi Kisihimoto-sensei showed her in this chapter too, right after the page above.

Uzumaki Kushinai, Naruto's mom

I know what's in your mind. Naruto's Mom is a real hottie, isn't she? Just one question left: if his parents both are good-looking and smart, why Naruto born thickheaded? Well, I guess it's the biggest mystery after all ^_^


– Di Indonesia, Hantu itu Bernama “Sinetron” (1) –

Man, this is horrible. And if I say horrible, I really mean it.

I’m sure if you went home from exhausting school times and took a nap, you’ll want something cool to watch in your television when you’re wake up. Maybe one or two cool animes will do. Or at least, you said, “No anime is not always a bummer. There are still many programs that can satisfy me.” Yeah, this is a normal situation.

But, don’t expect it too much. Especially in by beloved country, Indonesia.

Imagine this: I went home from my activities in college. According to my habit, I turned on my old pal, my trustworthy television. The cathode tube shot its ray and the screen of a scene was appeared. And then…it’s your turn now. Guess what?

Yes, you’re right, dude. It was a nightmare that flied out from the screen. A familiar opening song was played, but that was not the real problemo. A “serial-program” that haunted Indonesian TV nowadays, which called as


(add a sound effect please, LOL)

Today I’ll maybe overdo it, but I think everybody will agree with for sure. I don’t mind if it’s just one or two sinetrons-in-a-link, but FOR or FIVE ? Only to made the situation became worse, this sinetrons’ hell-lair only took a break if there are any silly commercials, daily news, or something similar with them. And for the sake of information, I’ll let you know this hell will conquer the television until …what…eight p.m.?...NO…10.30 PM, I TELL YOU.

So…imagine that. Please. Imagine that. Sinetrons that broadcasted from 4 pm until 10.30 pm, and that’s still not including any sinetrons that re-aired in the morning from 7 pm until 9 pm.

And don't ask me about the quality. Most of them are unworthy-t0-be-watched craps. The producers always make the same storyline but starred by different celebs. And the worst thing is so many of them just the plagiarism from Japanese or Korea doramas.

And what happens with anime in Indonesia? Let's do a little calculation. The cost to make a sinetron is one million rupiahs. Tell me, buddies. How many anime's permission-to-air you'll get from them?

I know, I know. I don't mean to make animes as the "golden boys".

...(Continued in part two)

Sunday, February 10, 2008


– Di Balik Layar –

I see.

You said, “Argh, who’s this dude, anyway? He named his blog with a strange name, The Cold Hands!!! This guy’s getting into my nerves. He makes cool articles and the performance of his blog is great. But, actually…who is he? At least, tell me his name!!!”

Okay, okay. Calm down.

Hmm, let’s start this with an old-school line. Obviously, his name is Amadeo. Ky Amadeo.

Started to be an otaku since 1999, he always struggles against some prototype-minded in his country, Indonesia, which most Indonesian people says that anime or manga is just a kid’s game. At that time, Ky only can said, “Father, please forgive them because they never know what they thinks” ^_^. Ky believes that “otaku” is a great and – of course – actually an elegant hobby. With his trusty pals, he always finds a path to enjoy anime with a smart and wise way.

Graduated from High School, with his two friend in “da Ramen Boyz” – Nduge and JStrike – Ky found Genesis Brigade. It is a community that tries to be “different” in actions about enjoying animanga stuffs. Genesis Brigade “watches” an anime from many perceptions and point of views, judges its core with deep researches, absorbs the goodness from that anime, and spreads them to everyone. You can found their blog with clicking on this link below:


Now, with his activities as an IT college student, Ky will tell a story about his life through his elegant hobby – otaku. Yes, this blog is a boy’s diary which told with otaku style. You’ll see a lot about dripping-sweats, chasing hot chicks, and many “adrenaline-adventure” will told with cool otaku style – just in this blog.

So, what the hell are you waiting for? Bring your excitements, move your cursor, and click the link below:


…and make yourself the witness of the creation from his cold hands.

Just one thing:
Don’t blame me if you become addicted with this blog!


Ky Amadeo

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